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      楼主: starlet125x
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      最近2個冃的釣獲, 注意!此貼已無效,因私事煩重,已無法接客.謝謝各位的頂力支持!!

       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 29-8-2012 10:55:23
      Ray_Wade 发表于 2012-8-29 06:55
      船主是香港人? 120 1個人嗎? 好像不錯. 你通常什麼時候出發的?

      yes im from HK, i go when the weather is allowable. maybe this monday? msg me if u want to go. thz
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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 30-8-2012 09:52:59
      Ray_Wade 发表于 2012-8-30 01:37
      我讀緊uni.  睇下遲D放假得唔得閒. 你隻船最多坐幾多人? 可能想包船試下出去釣

      me 2 ar , which uni u go ? my boat can carries 4 person.... ok la, mag me whne u free . thankyou.
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       楼主| starlet125x 发表于 11-11-2012 21:05:58
      aginlo 发表于 2012-11-11 20:46

      if u wan to play jig and popper u need to find a big charter, where they will bring u to deep reefs. I only use bait. in the area i fish, only snook, st, tommy, can be caught from lure.  
      Also remember that popper is a less popular method in here, coz u cant really catch a fish with it.
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