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      Ennenene 发表于 19-5-2020 20:46:29
      哎呦卧槽 这帮B们 滚回粪坑 快你妈离开澳洲 傻逼蛆
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      Ennenene 发表于 20-5-2020 10:54:26
      KiSu 发表于 20-5-2020 07:58
      这么搞有啥意思 其实只要澳大利亚政客闭上嘴 中国政府好好做生意 各让一步 这事不就解决了 傻逼脑残政客们  ...

      在你的认知世界里 政客是脑残 大国贸易 各让一步世界太平? 中国人这辈子都没参与过政治 所以政见要么愚昧无知 要么就以为爱国 真可怜
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      Ennenene 发表于 20-5-2020 20:13:17
      Peterchan 发表于 20-5-2020 16:54
      @Ennenene, 我不知道你是哪国人, 但我也觉得你也是愚昧无知的一个,自已为事的更可怜。

      Telling the truth 就是 自以为是 , 这就是墙国人民的脑回路 fair enough. I’m done with all of you dumb and stupid creatures , no! Morons!!!!  U all morons!
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      Ennenene 发表于 20-5-2020 20:14:17
      Peterchan 发表于 20-5-2020 16:54
      @Ennenene, 我不知道你是哪国人, 但我也觉得你也是愚昧无知的一个,自已为事的更可怜。

      I am Australian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U happy with that?
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      Ennenene 发表于 20-5-2020 22:53:46
      Peterchan 发表于 20-5-2020 21:04
      Ennenene, 澳洲人尊重 每个个人的尊严和自由、男女平等以及法治。加入澳 洲国籍就意味着要在你的日常生活中 ...

      who gives u the right to judge people who live on the street or Homeless? What are the differences between less educated and highly qualified? Are u speaking on behalf of yourself or judging me on behalf of the humanity?
      Lmfao, speaking of Australian Values in front of the Chinese Morons, do they even know or do they even care?  A bunch of money chaser and gold diggers gathering here to insult the regime and showcase their nationalism and patriotism making me nauseous.
      That’s it , if u love your own country, go home!  I love Australia and welcome people who share the same value with me to join the community and serve the country tho.
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      Ennenene 发表于 21-5-2020 00:38:05
      Peterchan 发表于 21-5-2020 00:01

      愚昧无知在何处? 愿闻其详
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      Ennenene 发表于 21-5-2020 21:49:07
      KiSu 发表于 21-5-2020 20:40
      不要跟他费口舌了 大家来澳洲都是奔着平等和更好的生活来的 我觉得这才是澳洲的Value吧 努力挣钱 享受生 ...

      你除了说废话 还会说什么? 用你说这些放屁鸡汤话?
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