Person的 Knowledge Technology, Software Engineering Department的vice president Karen Lochbaum 回答了这些问题。 她说:像所有其他的评分一样, 这道题的评分是基于人工评分,系统会检查句子的内容对整体文章内容的涵盖度的。 系统会比较两者的意思和相识度, 另外也要确保这是一个真正的英文句子,而不是简单地把关键词串在一起。 Just like all the scoring we do, it's really based on how humans have scored the item. So our computers measure the text and it looks at how well the content of the sentence covers the content of the text as a whole, so is looking at the meaning of both of them and how similar they are. In addition we're also looking to make sure that it's a real English sentence and not just a string of keywords, that the words follow each other in the way the usual English sentence would.
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